Introduction. Horses of the world ; How to identify a breed of horse ; Identity card ; The domestication of the horse and the main equestrian disciplines ; How to use this book
Other equines of the world. Extinct horses ; Wild horses ; Hybrids
Horses of Northern Europe. Iceland ; United Kingdom ; Ireland ; Norway ; Denmark ; Sweden ; Finland
Horses of Southern Europe. Portugal ; Spain ; Italy ; Slovenia ; Croatia ; Bosnia and Herzegovina ; Serbia ; Albania ; Greece
Horses of Western Europe. France ; Belgium ; Luxembourg ; Netherlands ; Germany ; Switzerland ; Austria
Horses of Eastern Europe and Russia. Estonia ; Latvia ; Lithuania ; Poland ; Belarus ; Czech Republic ; Slovakia ; Hungary ; Romania ; Bulgaria ; Moldava ; Ukraine ; Georgia ; Russia
Horses of the Middle East. Turkey ; Syria ; Israel ; Saudi Arabia ; Azerbaijan ; Iran
Horses of Central Asia. Turkmenistan ; Uzbekistan ; Kyrgyzstan ; Tajikistan ; Afghanistan ; Kazakhstan ; Mongolia
Horses of the Indian subcontinent. Pakistan ; India ; Sri Lanka ; Nepal ; Bhutan ; Bangladesh
Horses of the Far East and Southeast Asia. China ; Myanmar ; Thailand ; Laos ; Vietnam ; Cambodia ; South Korea ; Japan ; Philippines ; Malaysia ; Indonesia
Horses of North Africa. Morocco, Algeria ; Tunisia ; Egypt
Horses of West Africa. Senegal ; Niger ; Togo and Benin ; Nigeria ; Cameroon
Horses of East Africa. Sudan ; Ethiopia ; Somalia
Horses of Southern Africa. Namibia ; South Africa ; Lesotho
Horses of North America. Canada ; Saint Pierre and Miquelon ; United States
Horses of Central America and the Caribbean. Bahamas ; Cuba ; Puerto Rico ; Mexico [i.e. North America] ; Costa Rica
Horses of South America. Colombia ; Venezuela ; Brazil ; Peru ; Bolivia ; Chile ; Argentina
Horses of Oceania. Australia ; New Zealand ; Solomon Islands ; Tonga ; French Polynesia